Wow a lot has changed!
This year we elected to participate in Field Day from the training facility where we hold our club meetings. The start of summer has come hard and hot with high temps and dry landscapes. Operating in the field is preferable though many of us would not last much more than an hour of operating. That is if we survive setting up antennas first!
The training facility offers some creature comforts. Namely, air conditioning. Being hams, we also like to put on a feast. Having access to mains and refrigerators also made this a bit easier. No complaints there!
There were some downsides as well. Our facility has a VHF/UHF antenna as well as an EFHW wire antenna. Both work well for the club station that is setup there. Aside from launching a balloon or using a hitch mount, there want much room for any additional antennas. Even setting up a vertical would be very close proximity and could cause more interference than wanted.
We still had a great time operating. K9TC really showed us why the hex beam is commander among our wire antennas. Worked Hawaii twice on 15m! The rest of us hunted what we could in the lower bands and still made some decent contacts. I did hear the European contest happening and tried responding but alas they could not hear me.
As with any operation, we see what works well, what could be better, and what we should maybe not do. We learned, we laughed, we ate, and we had a good time in each others company. Already talking about Winter Field Day!